antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: XRN2
Provider product page for CABT-BL3819
No application information provided.

Antibody data

Product number
CABT-BL3819 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Product name
Anti-XRN2 (internal region) polyclonal antibody
Antibody type
This gene shares similarity with the mouse Dhm1 and the yeast dhp1 gene. The yeast gene is involved in homologous recombination and RNA metabolism, such as RNA synthesis and RNA trafficking. Complementation studies show that Dhm1 has a similar function in mouse as dhp1. The function of the human gene has not yet been determined. Transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been noted for this gene
XRN2 protein structure - CABT-BL3819 shown in red.