
antibody from Bioworld Technology, Inc
Targeting: ROBO1 DUTT1, FLJ21882, SAX3
Provider product page for BS60781

Antibody data

Product number
BS60781 - Provider product page
Bioworld Technology, Inc
Product name
ROBO1 polyclonal antibody
Antibody type
A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues in Human ROBO1
Specialized cells at the midline, which separates the left and right halves of the CNS, have a number of roles in directing growth cone behavior . In the vertebrate spinal cord, the insect ventral nerve cord and in C. elegans, midline cells produce guidance cues such as nectins and slit, which act as attractants and repellents, respectively . These cells may act as gatekeepers to prevent axons from crossing the midline and to induce a switch in growth cone responsiveness to guidance cues beyond the gateway . One such gatekeeper, Robo, is an axon guidance receptor that defines a novel subfamily of Ig superfamily proteins that are conserved from fruit flies to mammals . Robo acts as a receptor for the repellent Slit and functions in a cell-autonomous fashion . Non-crossing axons express high levels of Robo, whereas crossing axons express low levels of Robo before reaching the midline and high levels after they cross . Robo1 and Robo2 are two human homologs of the Drosophila protein Roundabout . Robo1 is also homologous to the C. elegans gene sax3, whereas Robo2 is homologous to the zebrafish gene astray .
Human, Mouse, Rat
Vial size
1 mg/ml
Store at 4°C short term. Aliquot and store at -20°C long term. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
ROBO1 protein structure - BS60781 shown in red.