
antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: KRT86 Hb6, KRTHB6, MNX
Provider product page for CABT-B10539
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Antibody data

Product number
CABT-B10539 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Product name
Mouse anti-Human KRT86 monoclonal antibody, clone 4C20-6C20
Antibody type
The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the keratin gene family. As a type II hair keratin, it is a basic protein which heterodimerizes with type I keratins to form hair and nails. The type II hair keratins are clustered in a region of chromosome 12q13 and are grouped into two distinct subfamilies based on structure similarity. One subfamily, consisting of KRTHB1, KRTHB3, and KRTHB6, is highly related. The other less-related subfamily includes KRTHB2, KRTHB4, and KRTHB5. All hair keratins are expressed in the hair follicle
KRT86 protein structure - CABT-B10539 shown in red.